Parish of Olveston Design Statement
Olveston, Tockington, Old Down, Ingst, Lower Hazel, Awkley
3. The Character of our villages

3.3 Traditional materials

Prior to the advent of readily available transport, materials were generally sourced locally. Good quality warm-grey limestone quarried in the area formed the basis for most construction. Important buildings incorporated the best dressed stone while cottages and agricultural buildings were constructed from the random leftovers. Frequently, buildings were rendered or lime-washed depending on the quality of the stone and their exposure to the weather. Local timber was used for roof, floor, window, door and lintel construction. Fascias and bargeboards were kept to a minimum. Ground floors and well used external areas were paved with limestone flags.

As mechanised transportation increased, new building materials and techniques were adopted with brick largely replacing stone in the 20th century as the predominant material for new building for reasons of cost, fashion, ease of construction and ready availability.

Looking across the centuries, each development has incorporated the palette of materials, building techniques and styles popular during the period, with properties adapted by successive owners to give the variety we see today.

Lower Tockington Road, Tockington
Web Design: Zeroface