Parish of Olveston Design Statement
Olveston, Tockington, Old Down, Ingst, Lower Hazel, Awkley
2. The existing environment

4.2 Guidelines for new building

New development should embrace and integrate the traditions of local building with modern advances in technology to produce architecture that is appropriate for today but respects the past.

4.2.1 Maintain and enhance Parish character

• the unique character identified for each settlement. Study the form and pattern of surrounding buildings in order to fully understand and appreciate the context prior to the design of any development
• existing boundaries and onsite features


4.2.2 Design all new buildings to be harmonious with, specific to, and appropriate to their location

• the density of new development is appropriate to its location, generally with higher density towards the centre of the villages and lower at the edges
• new buildings respect neighbouring roof profiles and reflect any characteristic spacing between or in front of surrounding buildings
• window style and size reflects the character of surrounding buildings and the proportion of window to wall characteristic of the Parish.
Top lights should be avoided
• new buildings are appropriate to their location in scale and design. Make each development unique and specific to its site:
Pay particular attention to the pitch of roofs. Around 45o is common within the older parts of the Parish. Generally use gable-ended roofs as opposed to hips
Incorporate chimneystacks to add variety to the skyline
Make details a genuine and intrinsic part of the building structure
Capitalise on the shape of the site and aim to add variety to the existing street scene
Keep ridgelines low, especially within historic environments. Consider lower than standard floor to ceiling heights, sloping ceilings in upper stories or double-ridge construction

• innovative new design based on, but not slavish to, the principles of good design set out in this Design Statement
• new construction techniques and materials that can complement the surrounding area

• nation-wide standard house types and "in vogue" styles that are inconsistent with local character
• ill-considered dormer windows and flat roofs or sharp edges on corners and window reveals on rendered properties.

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