Parish of Olveston Design Statement
Olveston, Tockington, Old Down, Ingst, Lower Hazel, Awkley
1. Background


In a bid to safeguard their local environment, residents of several South Gloucestershire villages in Olveston Parish have worked together for the past two years to produce a Parish Design Statement. The document provides a suggested blueprint for any future development in the Parish.
The local residents will be celebrating the completion of the 24 page Design Statement at Olveston Parish Hall on 6th March by cutting a specially designed cake, which was iced in the shape of the Parish boundary.

The aim of the new Parish Design Statement is to provide guidance to the community and developers on how alterations, extensions and new developments can be produced sympathetically to complement the local, mainly rural, area.

The Parish Design Statement is being be published on 6 March and all households in the Parish, which includes Olveston, Tockington, Old Down, Ingst, Lower Hazel and Awkley, will receive a free copy. Architects, builders and developers will also be able to refer to document at the local planning office, and on the internet.

Radio Bristol personality Trevor Fry, who has supported the development of the plan, cut the celebration cake. He said, "The local community felt they had to do something to try to stop ugly development in this area. It has taken two years and everyone involved has put a lot of effort into researching, writing and producing the Design Statement. I am delighted it is now completed and hope that the document will lead to an outbreak of good design in the South Gloucestershire area."

The PDF version of the document is available to download below

3.7 MB

Click to download the Parish Design Statement

Launch event
Click to download cover
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